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You are here: > Become a Member > Townswomen's Internet Groups

TIG- safe online meeting places for women

What is Townswomen's Internet Groups?

These groups are for you, if you would like to meet other members face to face and become active members of TG, but from your own home, through our website. You can come to the meetings by using your phone, tablet, laptop or PC - you just need to have a webcam. Like all Guilds, TiGs will have a regular meeting time, which can be in a morning, afternoon or evening. These meetings can be on any day of the week, including weekends.

How often are meetings?

Each meeting will be an hour long and the members of each TiG can decide whether they want to meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

How do I access TiG?

To come to a meeting, you will use your membership number to enter the members’ only secure area of the website to get to the meeting place. You'll be prompted to enter this when you click the button above. Existing members might also like to join a TiG or form a new TiG, and Guilds might like the option of having a regular online meeting through the TiG meeting place.

If you are not a member of Townswomen's Guilds and you are interested in trying out a TiG, you will be made very welcome, as you would in all of our Guilds, and you will be given a unique visitor number. This can be used for two visits to a TiG before you would need to become a member by paying the annual subscription. To obtain a guest membership number please email Sara@the-tg.com and she will set you up to join us for two meetings.

Once you have used you two guest passes, you'll be able to register as a paying member. TiG members will become associate members, which we call members who do not belong to a traditional Guild, and are able to join, pay, or renew their annual membership subscription through our online shop. As a TiG member you will be able to access all the national benefits we offer to our members including the magazine and newsletters, Carol Services and the AGM at member rates. You will also belong to our wider TG family. Find out more about Associate Membership, here.

They will also be the ideal place for those who would like to join an interest group e.g. campaign group, book group, craft group etc or to set up a new one.

Existing TG members

 If you are an existing member who is interested in setting up or joining a group, your first point of contact is by phone or email to Sara, our National Recruitment Officer who will control the TiG meeting diary.

For more information, please contact Sara Trayers, National Recruitment Officer on 0121 326 1973 or email sara@the-tg.com.

TIG and how to set one up.pdf

 Private or Public meeting.pdf

 TiG New arrival postcard.pdf

 Ideas for Zoom meetings.pdf

What is TIG woman.pdf