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National Crown Green Bowls 2017

The weather forecast was not good for the day and we had all got our waterproofs and umbrellas ready. However, in true TG style, the sun shone on us - through the clouds at times but the wind blew them away. National Chairman, Jenny Rideout and Marilyn Lawton, Trustee for the area accompanied me to Fulwood Conservative Club’s bowls venue. The greens were in almost perfect order, the rain made them a little heavy for the bowlers but the grass quickly dried out.

The local Mayor of Preston, Councillor Brian Rollo, opened the proceedings as he and Jenny bowled the first wood across the beautiful green, before the thirty two members taking part stepped up for their first matches. The competition was played in a round robin style, in order that everyone got to play at least three matches, and there were lots of observers to cheer players on - including some partners and grandchildren.
After a lovely lunch provided by the venue the last of the round robin matches were played. Then came the semi-finals with Anne Broadrick and Margaret Booth of Radcliffe Evening Guild, and Barbara Gaskell and Enid Hilton of South Manchester Federation winning their places in the final. A needle match followed, it was nip and tuck all the way, neither pair allowing the others to get too far ahead, but in the end Anne and Margaret from Radcliffe Evening won by 21 points to 20.

Jenny presented the runners up with trophies and then presented the winners with the main trophy plus small trophies they keep as mementos. All in all it was a very good day, and we look forward to next year’s competition on Friday 3 August 2018.

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