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Speakers' Secretary's Report 2017-18

April 2017:  Isles of Scilly.  Sue Henning was scheduled to talk about the Isles of Scilly but because several other members had heard her talk a  few days previously we asked her if she could talk about her trip to Japan.   It is an interesting country and she brought it to life showing photographs of several places not on the usual tourist route.
May:  Poles Apart.  Linda Makepeace came to talk to us about two trips she had made:  one to the Arctic Circle and one to the Antarctic.   Both places sounded fascinating.  There were lots of photographs but you have to be hardy to cope with these trips.  Linda showed a video of her bathing in the sea on Christmas Day.
June:  Summer Tea Party.  As it was the tea party we did not have a speaker but games, and Charlie Manaugh sang some songs.
July :  The Life and times of Samuel Pepys.  John Halligan is a City of London Tour Guide.   He gave us an interesting talk with slides which covered the nine years of the diaries he wrote.
August:  This was our Coffee Morning so instead of a speaker we had a fashion show which members seemed to enjoy and had fun.
September :  A-Z of Show-Off Business.  Christopher Hare gave a very humorous and entertaining talk.   He is a popular speaker who has visited us before and has a wealth of stories about well-known comedians – most names very familiar to us all.   He kept us chuckling for 45 minutes with his memoirs of his life in the world a theatre and light-hearted entertainment.
October :  Sadly our scheduled speakers, Alan and Vera Baker, had retired due to ill health.   In their place we had a Beetle Drive and then entertaining reading from the drama group during the social half hour.
November :  Harpist Margaret Watson came to entertain us with her harp as she has done in the past.  Her programme contained music from many genres with flashes of humour included.
December :  Christmas Lunch.  As usual, no speaker but a slap-up lunch at The Chateau.
January 2018:   A King and his Castles.  Neil Lloyd regaled us with a history of the life of Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, and his talk was illustrated with slides which featured the fairy tale castles he built, and his association with the composer Wagner.
February :  Bearskins and Bayonets.  Don Doncaster gave us an illuminating talk on his life in the Grenadier guards, a life he undertook from the young age of 15.   Conditions were quite Spartan for young boys living in the barracks, but his chosen lifestyle gave him opportunities to travel abroad as well as be a member of the guards marching and playing instruments at the Trooping of the Colour to celebrate the Queens’ birthday.
March:  Our AGM.  As usual, no speaker but the drama group provided good entertainment.

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