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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Secretary's Report 2020-2021

Secretary's Report 2020 March 2020 saw us having to cancel our AGM with the arrival of Coronavirus and Government advice not to hold large meetings, followed by a total lockdown in the country. We were not able to hold an AGM until September, and then only with a few members present, as advised by the TGHQ. This year, again because of lockdown and social distancing, we are only now able to hold our AGM, and again six months late. Two long standing members, Yvonne Huber and Elizabeth Veasey, stood down last year and a new member, Chris Boyden, was elected. Yvonne and Elizabeth had been very active committee members, in varying roles, for a great number of years and were both given vouchers to express our appreciation for all they had done. Unfortunately this year also sees two of our stalwart members leaving the committee: Brenda Johnson and Yvonne Smith. As a way of keeping in touch with members while we were unable to meet, we created a monthly newsletter, 'Keeping in Touch' which included features on holidays, and life stories. We also continued with birthday cards which Kay hand delivered. In December the committee decided to give every member a small gift, and chose a poinsettia which was provided by a local company at a very favourable price. Committee members with cars then delivered them to everyone. In November2020 we should have been celebrating out 70th birthday with a lunch in November but unfortunately that had to be cancelled. We optimistically re-booked it for 2021 and we are hopeful that we might be able to keep that booking. We hope that we will be now able to go back to 'normal as so many members have missed the monthly meetings, the speakers and the catch up with other members.

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