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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Secretary's Report from AGM 2017-18

Our meetings last year have been well attended and we were pleased to welcome new members throughout the year.  Meetings for new members have given them an insight to the history of Townswomen’s Guild organisation,also our own Guild and a chance to meet other new members.

The programme of speakers this year has been varied and enjoyable, thanks to Elizabeth Veasey for her hard work in finding speakers which the Guild can afford, and liaising with them to ensure they attend the meeting.  After quite a few years Elizabeth has stepped down as speakers’ secretary and Elizabeth Baigent has already arranged the programme of speakers for the coming year. At our summer party in June, we were entertained by Charlie Manaugh singing popular songs which we could join in with.  This was followed by sandwiches, cake and tea.

The coffee morning in August was well supported.  We had a fashion show given by M & Co from their Orpington branch.  Some members of the Guild were the models and there were garments available to purchase on the day or to order.  We were given gift vouchers to use at the shop.  The fashion show was arranged by Elizabeth Baigent.

At our November meeting Elizabeth Veasey cut our 67th birthday cake which we had with our tea and coffee. We celebrated our 67th birthday in December with a lunch at The Chateau and this was well attended by members.  The meal was excellent and the service good.  Guests from Federation and Sanderstead Evening Guilds were present and they thanked members for inviting them.
The various groups met throughout the year and you have heard of their activities from the individual reports.

The Guild supported both Federation and National events throughout the year.  Sheila Plant attends the Federation council meetings as our delegate and has given detailed reports of these meetings.  Several members enjoyed a lunch at the Old Whitgiftians in May following the Federation AGM.   The Federation Leisure Day in July was well supported and took place at Coulsdon.  The Federation Council meeting in November, with lunch and speaker, was held at Holy Trinity Church in Wallington.   Invitations were received from Sanderstead Evening and Beddington Evening Guilds to attend their birthday celebrations and members of our Guild were happy to accept.  A few of our members took advantage of the  Federation holiday to Sheffield in order to attend the National AGM where  Gill Rutter was our delegate.   

We have had various visits and outings throughout the year.  Elizabeth Veasey organised visits to Wimbledon Theatre to see ‘Cabaret’ and ‘Tango Moderno’.  Elizabeth also organised an outing to Arundel for the Corpus Christi Flower Festival followed by tea at Timespan’s garden in June.  Elizabeth Baigent organised theatre trips to London to see ‘The Girls’ and ‘The Lion King’ both precedeed by lunch. She also organised a tour of Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Club.  Sheila Plant made a wreath to be displayed at the ‘Wreath Festival’ at St John’s Church.   Croydon Federation sent an invitation to their Carol Service in December and I attended.

As usual, members have supported the shoe box Appeal, organised by St Paul’s URC.   Pam Oubridge said 221 boxes had been sent to support children in Moldovia.  The Knit and Natter group was pro-active in making knitted items for the boxes.
Our thanks go to Harry Guglielmi for getting the hall ready for our meetings and for putting away tables after our meetings, and to Brian Miller for help with the microphone. I think this has been a varied year with something to suit everyone and I am sure you have all enjoyed it.

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