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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

March 2023

Ladies support volunteer service for disabled. The 'MakeAbility' service from Remap Berkshire has received a donation from Woodley Townswomens' Guild, enabling the charity to assist more local people by designing and making free gadgets and equipment for those with disability or special need. 'MakeAbility's volunteer engineers make a real difference to the quality of life and independence for people of all ages in the county. Working with occupational therapists, physiotherapists, or direct with clients, they create a wide range of items which make a real difference. The team is called in to help where no suitable items can be bought commercially - all gadgets and equipment are designed and made for each specific circumstance. These range from simple long-reach window openers, access ramps, walking-frame conversions, kitchen and bathroom aids, to complex solutions for people with dementia, Parkinsons Disease, or other serious physical and neurological conditions. There is no charge. Woodley TG's Lesley Powell said: "Some months ago we had a speaker from the Remap Berkshire charity, which we subsequently chose as our charity of the year and we were very pleased to present a cheque to them for £200". Said Remap Berkshire's Kimble Earl: "Our twenty volunteer engineers all work from their home workshops, and get real satisfaction from thinking up solutions to a wide variety of issues, making them, and then ensuring that the items can be safely used by or for the recipient. Although we use many recycled components, donations like the one from Woodley Townswomen's Guild are vital in helping meet the cost of any new parts which may be required, and so enable us to maintain our long-standing tradition of supplying items to users entirely free of charge". Woodley TG was founded in 1961 and is part of the Townswomen’s Guilds. At Woodley Guild, around fifty ladies meet on the first Thursday evening of the month when we have a varied programme of interesting speakers. We also have a number of smaller interest groups such as Rummikub, Scrabble, rambling, mini-walks, social studies and a book group, which meet during the daytime. We also enjoy occasional outings, social events and meals out." For more about Remap Berkshire MakeAbility service please visit www.berkshire.remap.org.uk or call 07790 127123.

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