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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

March 2019

At our AGM in March we were pleased to present a cheque for £600 to our charity of the year, the blood bikers, volunteer motorcyclists who help the NHS. Captain Kamran Irani came along to receive the cheque on behalf of the SERV OBN Emergency Riders and gave us a very interesting presentation about their work. The volunteer motorcyclists provide a rapid response transport service to the NHS, carrying urgently needed medical items out of hours, and saving the NHS having to pay for courier services. The service is provided free but SERV prides itself on being run professionally with all of its volunteers being trained to a high standard and holding an advanced driving/riding qualification. The volunteers also deliver breast milk to the Milk Bank at Oxford which is vital to premature babies, reducing their chances of developing a potentially fatal bowel condition. 

Besides our regular group activities we are looking forward to several trips in the coming months including an afternoon tea and backstage tour at Sonning Mill, a theatre trip, and an outing to Stanway House and Bourton-on-the-Water. 

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