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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Chairman's Report from AGM 2017-18

There have been moments  during the last TG year when I have been very aware that anno domini has been creeping up on me, and that my physical resources have at times been stretched to the limit.   I am happy to continue to be your Chairman for one more year, and this decision has been taken after much thought on my part.   It is now time for you, the members, to consider who my replacement might be, in a role I have thoroughly enjoyed for a number of years.

Having said all that, I think that I can safely say we have experienced another very successful Guild year, as the reports you have heard indicate.  We have had some interesting speakers, experimented with some new ideas, enjoyed some lovely musical entertainment, and embarked on visits to London theatres combined with lunch.   They say that variety is the spice of life.   Long may new ideas continue to flow.   Of course none of this could continue to happen without the support of a great many people.   I have always appreciated the work and planning done by the officers and committee members, but also the additional regular chores undertaken by a number of volunteers, especially at Guild meetings.   I thank you all most sincerely.

As you have heard, we are continuing to attract new members on a regular basis, and they are essential to maintaining our membership figures.   However, we are mindful that health and safety has to be a priority, so numbers will continue to be monitored, and I am delighted that we have now established a policy and personnel to deal with First Aid issues should they arise.  Consequently, we remain a very successful and envied Guild, fit for purpose and financially very sound.

I rarely single out individuals, but I would like to make special mention of Yvonne Smith, who has been a key figure in our Guild as secretary for a good number of years.   Yvonne has suffered a series of accidents and ailments recently, and they have prevented her from coping with minute taking, a key part of the secretarial duties.   Yvonne is now stepping down, but I am sure that her knowledge of Townswomen’s Guild matters will continue to be of value to us as she will continue to be involved in various organisational roles.

Changes of committee are inevitable when members choose to step down, to have a rest, or move away.  We are lucky to be able to find replacements who have already shown the enthusiasm and skills that are vital in our continuing success.    I am very happy to welcome Kay Hucks as one of our six committee members, and Maureen Stagg as our new Guild Secretary.   Maureen has already made an impact as a back-up for Yvonne Smith over the past 12 months with her secretarial skills and understanding of the internet.

At a time when so many Guilds are struggling, we can feel satisfied with our own situation and trust that we will continue to provide a valuable resource for Selsdon – a place where women can find fun and friendship, regardless of race, age, politics and religion.   Long may it last. 

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