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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Chairman's Report from AGM 2016-17

Having taken a year off as your Chairman, I am pleased to report that I have enjoyed my year back at the helm and I would like to thank everyone who has supported my endeavours during the last 12 months, especially the other officers and committee members. 

As the various reports you have heard this afternoon indicate, we are an expanding Guild, enjoying a full and varied programme of events whilst other guilds around us are struggling to survive.   We are financially sound, hall costs are favourable, and our new Treasurer has coped with the increasing demands on her time, and problems posed by closing local banks, with great credit.  The catering team, under the direction of Jenny Turvill, works wonders, especially with a tea queue that is now winding round corners, and we are privileged to have so many new members who are willing to support so whole-heartedly what we try to do to deliver a varied and stimulating programme.  

I try not to single out individuals, but I cannot bring this AGM to a satisfactory conclusion without giving a special vote of thanks to Elizabeth Veasey for her excellent work as our Speakers’ Secretary for a number of years.  She has engaged some wonderful speakers and entertainers, ensured with great care and attention that their needs are met, both before they arrive at a meeting, and as a perfect hostess when they are our guests.  Elizabeth is reluctantly giving up this key role and responsibility for our Guild, a job which I am sure you will agree with me she has done with distinction.  Elizabeth Baigent has offered her services as a replacement, and I have every confidence that she too will do an excellent job.  

My fellow officers and committee members have done sterling work in various capacities and it is my good fortune that they are all willing to continue their current roles for another year.   It is a challenge in the current climate, where so many guilds around us are closing, to provide a service that benefits so many people in our community.  The Guild’s health and well-being is vital to all those members who rely on what it offers to the quality of their lives.  We have welcomed a number of new members to the fold during the last 12 months, and I sincerely trust that they will find their membership truly beneficial and that they too will have fun.

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