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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Chairman's Report 2019-20

This year has been an unusual year with the lock down and having to postpone the AGM. At the time of writing we have been very fortunate not to have lost any members to the virus. None of us can know when it will be possible for us all to meet but we are trying to get some of the sub groups up and running. We had another successful year and I have to say I am immensely proud of you all of you for your generosity in raising funds for Charity and supporting the community. I have to thank all the committee for their efforts in working towards providing a varied and busy programme which I know you all appreciate and can choose which events you would like to participate in. Two committee members have decided to step down. Elizabeth Veasey has decided it is time for her to step down and we will miss her although she has agreed to continue as our scribe for the history of the Guild and the Selsdon Gazette. Elizabeth has been with us since 1982 and has given many years of service in many roles. We thank her for her service. We have given her a voucher for the garden centre so she can choose something she likes. Yvonne Huber has also decided to step down and I thank her for her years of service on the committee and as an officer in different roles over the years: Treasurer, Chairman and Vice Chairman We have also given her a voucher for a local store we know she enjoys. The catering team have continued to ensure we get our tea and biscuits and in catering for special events such as the tea and coffee mornings and many thanks to all of them, meetings would not be the same without tea and we have a chance to talk together. There are many members who step in a volunteers to ensure monthly meetings are successful and I would like to thank them all. I also have to thank Brian for loaning us the microphone and helping us to work it. I hope when we get back to normal we will be able to resume our meetings, see friends and have some outings. As soon as this is possible we will have the belated Birthday lunch as a celebration of the comeback of the Guild.

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