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Townswomen's Guilds - TG Logo
TG - Uniting women since 1929 logo

Cheltenham Pittville Evening

Highbury Church
Priory Walk (Off Oxford Street) Cheltenham
GL52 6DU

Meets: 4th Wednesday of the month at 19:15

More Information On This Social Group

Cheltenham Pittville Evening Townswomen Guild meets at Highbury Church Oxford Street Cheltenham GL52 6DU on 4th Wednesday at 7.15pm.


January 24th 2024 Social Evening

February 28th Journey through landscape of Perfume

March 27th RNLI with local representative Anthony Gerrard

April 24th a Journey through gardening with Chris Evans

November 28th Cinderella Panto - 7pm


We have a gardening club which meets on the 1st Thursday in the month.  111 Book Club which meets bi monthly each member of group gets to choose a title. We are a very friendly group and always welcome new members.

Contact Details

For further information contact Chris Hyett at cmhyett@virginmedia.com

Cheltenham Pittville Evening Galleries

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