As this is the ideal time to be starting your hobby or interest please email us at with Discovery Award in the title and we can send you sufficient information to get started.
The Discovery Award is run independently of TG. It is an exciting and rewarding adventure for anyone aged over 50 regardless of state of health or ability.
The challenge is to discover:
new strengths and hidden talents
new interests
new life in old interests
new and interesting people
the satisfaction of doing something for others as well as yourself
the joy of unexpected achievement
and the satisfaction that you did your very best
What are the main features of the Award?
It is non competitive, you progress at your own pace and within your own capabilities, whilst enjoying yourself.
There are three levels - Bronze, Silver and Gold - each with agreed time scales and each leading to its own certificate and badge.
Each level has four sections:
- Service in the Community -Any service which helps others is acceptable: for example, Red Cross, visiting tie elderly, committee work, voluntary youth organisations, conservation, fund- raising - the demand for volunteers is endless - the choice is yours.
- Recreational Pursuit - this should involve some physical activity but the limits are set by your own health and ability. Start slowly for your bronze and work up to Gold. For example you might choose archery, cycling, badminton, walking, dancing, gardening (but not as an interest or hobby too) etc, and can change your chosen activity during the challenge, every minute counts!
-Hobby or interest - this may be something new or the development of an old interest. The choice is vast: writing, arts and crafts, collecting, music, theatre or cinema, reading, languages, history, or pub quizzing - you name it, you can do it.
- Journey of Discovery - you can travel anywhere, in your mind at home, in the comfort of your armchair, through books, pictures, your computer or television; or abroad, on foot, by bicycle or car, train or tram, ship or plane. Discover far away places or local land marks, even your family tree. Your journey of discovery need not be physical, it can be visual, spiritual or research based. All you have to do, whatever journey you choose, is to keep a record of your preparation and what you did, then submit for your award.
How long will it take me?
Time periods differ for each section and the sections do not have to be tackled at the same time. The requirements are expressed in minimums - you may choose to take longer to reach the required hours. Bronze level will take at least 26 weeks to complete, Gold will take at least 78 weeks. Your record book for each level will give precise requirements.
What do I have to do?
- select your own activity in each section - someone within your Guild may be able to help and we will have a dedicated Facebook page. A list of Discovery Award Mentors is also available.
- follow the activity for the agreed time
- keep a record of your work in each section and submit your record book to an agreed assessor. (If you are learning something formally your teacher will be your assessor, otherwise look for someone within your Guild, TIG or TAG remember they are assessing the progress you have made rather than absolute achievement.)
- On completion you are awarded a badge and certificate.
What will it cost?
This depends on your chosen activity.
In money it costs very little - an annual membership fee ( £7 to 31 August 2021), record books and guides (cost an initial £4.50), there after there will be the costs of a new record book for each level and badges and certificates on completion.
In time see above
In effort - whatever you are prepared to put into it - you choose your challenges and they should all be achievable (that rules out trips into space!).
Find out more at
Read an account of one woman's journey here
Interested in getting involved? Click here to fill in the online application form or download an application form here to pay by cheque.