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You are here: > Looking to be part of something?

Looking to be part of something? Join the TG friendship group

Are you looking for something new to do?
Do you feel lonely? 
Are you looking to make new friends?
Perhaps you’d like to join a women’s membership group?

If so, Townswomen’s Guilds is for you! Townswomen’s Guilds, also known as TG, is a friendly and welcoming environment which offers members the chance to take part in activities such as arts & crafts, day trips and national events. TG is the perfect place to combat your loneliness, a great place to make new friends within your local community.

Alongside local events, TG run a number of exciting yearly events including their AGM, National Carol Services and lunches - a great way to meet other TG members.

TG began in 1929 and are still working  to make every woman's life better.

If you’d like to find out more about your local Townswomen’s Guild, get in touch...we can introduce you to your local guild, where you will be welcome to visit and see what it is about before joining.



If you want to see if there is a Guild near you, please use the Search facility on our home page. 
By entering your postcode a map will be generated showing the Guilds as 'green balloons'. 
On the righthand side you will see the nearest three Guilds, with a link to each Guilds' individual page, how many miles they are from your location, together with directions by road and details on bus and train services. 
However by clicking on any 'balloon' on the map, you will be given details about the Guild and a link to their individual page where further information may be given. 
If you are interested to find out more about any Guild, on each individual page there is EITHER a form to request contact from that particular Guild OR details of how to contact the Guild i.e. a telephone number, will be given.


If you’re interested in being part of something wonderful, please click below and we will get someone local to you, to give you a call.

Click here to contact TG