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You are here: > Become a Member > Associate Membership

Associate membership

By becoming an associate member you will benefit from the following:

- A Member's badge
- An Associate Member's ID number which you can use to enter the Member’s area of the website giving access to useful information and documents
- Access to TiG, Townswomen’s Internet Groups
- Insurance cover for any 'TG' events that you attend
- Entitlement to attend all National Events e.g. Carol Services, Lunches at member crates
- Entitlement to attend and be represented at the AGM
- Two issues of the 'Townswoman' magazine and four issues of the TG Together newsletter (distributed by email)
- Access to campaigns through Topics in the Townswoman magazine
- A bi-annual mailing from TG Headquarters keeping you up to date with what's happening
- Your own nominated National Trustee on the TG Board who can be contacted through TG Headquarters
- Ability to attend Guild meetings on payment of the local Visitor fee
- Ability to be part of a TAG – Townswomen’s Associate Group.

Sign up on-line:
Associate Membership Sign Up  *COMING SOON FOR 2025*
Associate Membership Renewal  (Existing members)


Complete and return the application form together with your cheque for £25.00 made payable to "Townswomen's Guilds". Send them to the address stated on the bottom of the form marked for the attention of Nancy Smith.

Associate membership form 2025-2026.pdf   (New members)

Once your application has been processed you will receive a comprehensive welcome package.